Keys Business Concierge, a company that provides bespoke business services and products both nationally and internationally, became the headline sponsor of this year’s UK Employee Experience Awards, an event hosted by Awards International Ltd.

‘We Understand that the People behind a Business Make It Truly Excellent’

Keys Business Concierge provides professional concierge services to businesses throughout the world, with the aim of saving them valuable time and helping them overcome common workplace problems that cost money on a daily basis, such as administrative tasks that eat away at an employee’s productive time.

The business packages they offer can help companies grow their organisations, free up personal life and motivate and engage their workforce in ways they never would have thought of before.

In their own words, they understand that happy employees will go the extra mile to take care of a business and its customers. This very attitude and philosophy is something they share with the UK Employee Experience Awards, which is known as one of the most innovative and creative events in the calendar for all employee-centric businesses across UK.

Olympic Gold Medallist Hosting Employee Experience Awards

We are especially delighted that Keys Business Concierge’s, Chief Innovation Officer and Olympic gold medallist Greg Searle MBE hosted the Employee Experience Awards ceremony that took place at the Park Plaza, London on the 23rd March.

The UK Employee Experience Awards are a uniquely formatted one-day event that encourages learning, networking, celebrating and recognising some of the best employee experience initiatives in the UK.

This event gives everyone a great opportunity to network and further their knowledge, as many of the finalist presentation sessions which take place on the morning of the event, are open for all to attend; giving all attendees an insight into best HR practice of many other successful businesses and organisations.

The learning and improving process doesn’t end with the Awards: each finalist entry is always provided with a full feedback report once the Awards are over, which gives them the opportunity of further improving their own employee experience systems.

We were thrilled to see all the initiatives of this year’s finalists, among whom were Virgin Money, Direct Line Group, Phonographic Performance Limited, University of Lincoln and Active Digital Communications.

Our thanks go to Keys Business Concierge, and especially to Greg Searle, for taking the time to host our partner’s event and add to its overall glamour.

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